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2024 Peralta Pinewood Derby

2024 2 24 8 AM to 1:30 PM at KaiserAir Oakland Jet Center

Troop 201 volunteered at this competition, doing things like controlling children, displaying the flag, racing the cars, and assisting at the kitche.. A few of us also participated in the race.

On 2024 1 23 and 24, almost a month before the derby, troop 201 assisted cub scouts with making cars for the pinewood derby for four hours in total. We also took advantage of our situation to create a few cars for ourselves.

Troop 201 contestant holds his car, which was second place in the scout race
Troop 201 contestant holds his car, which won first place in the scout race
Troop 201 contestant holds his car
Troop 201 contestant holds his car
Troop 201 volunteer contemplates the position of cars before letting them race
Troop 201 table
Three troop 201 volunteers bring the flag out
Troop 201 salutes the flag
Troop 201 volunteer about to release cars
Two troop 201 volunteers ready to receive cars and reset timers as the cars race toward the end of the track
Troop 201 scouts discuss something around a table
Troop 201 scouts gather at a table contemplating on the weight of wood
Two scouts stand talking about something, one person sits on a stool, and one other person drills holes into a block of wood
Scout holds a block of wood with 6 people at his side
Troop 201 volunteer helps someone draw a design onto wood
Two scouts look at a troop 201 racer who is drawing a line on a piece of wood
Troop 201 contestant meticulously measures his car
Volunteer cleans the floor
Two volunteers clean the floor
Two troop 201 volunteers greet a newcomer
Volunteer observes as a racer and his father draw a design on wood
Troop 201 volunteers and leaders look at their racers' cars
Five volunteers look at a racer carefully pondering weight placement
Contestant places weights into his car
blue cyan green orange red yellow blue

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